How I Finally Printed the Photos on My Phone (And What It Taught Me About Overcoming the Overwhelm of Buying or Selling a Home)
Have you ever noticed that the thought of something is often more overwhelming than the task itself? For me, this feels especially true when it comes to house projects or even my unofficial role as the family’s memory keeper.
Take printing photos, for example. It sounds trivial, but the idea of sorting through thousands of pictures on my phone felt so daunting that I kept putting it off. (If you can relate to this, do you also have 19,457 unread emails in your inbox? Something tells me there’s a correlation here.)
Finally, when Shutterfly ran one of their free print sales, I decided to stop overthinking and just print the photos from February. I reminded myself not to get caught up in perfection. I didn’t crop, edit, or fuss over them. I just uploaded the photos as they were and hit order.
Sure, I still have a couple of years’ worth of pictures on my phone to sort through, but that’s okay. The point is: it felt like a win. And, as usual, the task itself was so much easier than the mental weight I gave it.
This is a small example, but the feeling translates to bigger projects — like buying or selling a home. The idea of starting can feel massive. It’s something I see time and again with people who want to make a move but feel stuck on where to begin. The truth is, getting that first ball rolling is often the hardest part. Once you start, the rest usually feels more manageable.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of buying or selling a home, here’s how to break it down into bite-sized steps:
Be curious.
You don’t have to wait until you’re 100% ready to start exploring your options, because honestly, you may never feel fully ready. I think many people hold back from reaching out because they’re afraid it’ll set off a chain of events they’re not prepared for, like they’ll be pressured into signing a contract or making a move. That’s not how it works, at least not with me. It all starts with a conversation. I love talking through people’s thoughts and helping them figure out what makes sense for their situation. Whether you’re wondering if now’s the right time, curious about what’s on the market, or unsure about how to find out your price range, call me. Let’s chat. No pressure, just clarity.
Harness the power of 10 minutes.
I use this trick for almost everything I procrastinate on, and it works. If you’ve been putting off something , like researching neighborhoods you’re interested in or decluttering a draw or closet, tell yourself you’ll work on it for just 10 minutes. That’s it. Start a timer, and when it’s up, you can stop. More often than not, you’ll feel the momentum kick in and want to keep going, but even if you don’t, you’ll have made a dent. And that’s progress.
Keep your eye on the prize.
Buying or selling a home can stir up a lot of emotions: excitement, stress, doubt, hope — sometimes all at once. One thing that helps keep those emotions from taking over is to focus on the outcome. Picture yourself settled into your new home. Imagine your first holiday there, your morning coffee in the sunroom, or hosting friends in your dream kitchen. Keeping that image in mind helps you push through the tougher moments, because you’re working toward something worth it.
At the end of the day, most projects — big (moving) or small (printing out photos) — feel heavier in your head than they do in reality. Is there something you’ve been avoiding? Whether it’s a house project, a phone call, or even something unrelated to real estate, I’d love to hear about it. Maybe we can even hold each other accountable to start. Sometimes, all you need is a little push to realize it wasn’t so hard after all.